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kashii's team
Finished 2nd. Loss on time.

  darnold cup icon1279, kashii, JJurisDoctor ✨ cup icon579, Miskowsas cup icon44

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Zacfire274's team
Finished 1st.

Roots, Zacfire274 cup icon163,   Suzi, Jammy

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GLHF! 298 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 98,781

29 months ago
End of turn 1

darnold (Spectator)

dog rat mosquito bee fish bark sphinx jockey

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

dog rat mosquito bee fish bark sphinx jockey millionaire

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

actually maybe we move millionaire up a bit

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

its good for fur

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

dog rat mosquito bee fish bark millionaire sphinx jockey

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

dog rat mosquito bee fish bark millionaire sphinx jockey

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

it couldn't be all animals too

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

just go down the list for now i think

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

mosquito bee fish

29 months ago

Miskowsas (Spectator)


29 months ago

Miskowsas (Spectator)


29 months ago

Miskowsas (Spectator)


29 months ago
End of turn 2

darnold (Spectator)

whyyyy airezz

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

go down the list :(

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

golden fries to our world famous TATOR ...

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

my bad

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

yeah but they have greedy 0

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

could just be a 2

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

frozen potato

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

yes, you're right

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

my bad

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

mosquito bee fish bark millionaire sphinx jockey?

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

mosquito bee fish bark millionaire jockey pepper onion sphinx

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

maybe bark a little lower

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

mosquito bee fish millionaire jockey pepper onion bark sphinx

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

sure, I like that

29 months ago

Miskowsas (Spectator)


29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

remove 12

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

remove 1

29 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

sphinx is ours :D

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

mosquito bee fish millionaire jockey pepper onion bark

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

fish as well we should move down

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

mosquito bee millionaire jockey pepper onion bark fish

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

that's the final list?

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

sure lets say final

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

And jockey?

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)


29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

and millionaire

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

what's next?

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

Onion for potato thing?

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

Or another animal again?

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

i think pepper

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

have to choose one food

29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

washer might also be good

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

thats my pick

29 months ago
End of turn 3
End of turn 3

darnold (Spectator)

what the heck

29 months ago


GLHF! 298 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 98,781

29 months ago
End of turn 1

Jammy (Spectator)

gold > washer > jockey > dog > sphinx

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

root suzi

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

what u say

29 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

maybe jockey before washer?

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

jockey > washer > dog > sphinx

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

jockey > washer > dog > hair > sphinx

29 months ago
End of turn 2

Jammy (Spectator)

dog > cliff > bee > washer or fish

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

root suzi

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)


29 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

ok :)

29 months ago

Zacfire274 (Spectator)

gg guys

29 months ago

Zacfire274 (Spectator)

well done

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)


29 months ago