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Joviet Spy's team
Finished 1st.

  darnold cup icon1425,   jovy cup icon175, Anne

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Aero's team
Finished 2nd.

yoniH2001 cup icon54, Aero, GarbanzoBeans cup icon46

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

35 months ago
End of turn 1

darnold (Spectator)


35 months ago
End of turn 2

darnold (Spectator)

ham jam

35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)

ham jam

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

ham jam band

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

what is the principal?

35 months ago

GarbanzoBeans (Spectator)

ham jam

35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)

troll or snowman or sherlock, as a person?

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)


35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)

i like principal root but i doubt it

35 months ago
End of turn 3

Anne (Spectator)


35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

lets final list after this clue

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

sugar sherlock band

35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)

no band

35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)


35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

am I blind i dont see record

35 months ago

jovy (Spectator)

its her clue

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)


35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

could be his

35 months ago

darnold (Spectator)


35 months ago

Anne (Spectator)

ah sorry! i just meant i don't like band because their hint is record

35 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

35 months ago

GarbanzoBeans (Spectator)


35 months ago
End of turn 1

GarbanzoBeans (Spectator)

china sherlock

35 months ago
End of turn 2

GarbanzoBeans (Spectator)

snowman sherlock house

35 months ago
End of turn 3