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Aubergine's team
Finished 2nd.

Aubergine, GarbanzoBeans cup icon46, audrey, Illudes, 2Plus40

 Lil van
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Lil van's team
Finished 1st.

Summer, Lil van, kayyyy, Atrium456, Zacfire274 cup icon163,   darnold cup icon1425

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

37 months ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2
End of turn 3
End of turn 4


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

37 months ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

darnold (Spectator)

crusader wizard face maracas ball house

37 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

or snowman maybe instead of face

37 months ago

darnold (Spectator)

crusader wizard snowman maracas ball house

37 months ago
End of turn 3

darnold (Spectator)

track microwave rainbow

37 months ago
End of turn 4