match icon
Drill's team
Finished 2nd.

Drill cup icon170, VicSeymore, lautaro271 cup icon28, phildeznuts cup icon186

Players that left early: Kratos

match icon
richard's team
Finished 1st.

Richard, viiiiv cup icon78, Glitchy, veggiepink

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

VicSeymore (Spectator)

Floor, Lock

4 years ago

VicSeymore (Spectator)

Floor, Lock, Match

4 years ago

VicSeymore (Spectator)

Floor, Lock, Match, Bow

4 years ago
End of turn 3


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1

viiiiv (Spectator)


4 years ago

viiiiv (Spectator)

I think

4 years ago

viiiiv (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 2

viiiiv (Spectator)

if it was smoothie

4 years ago

viiiiv (Spectator)

she would say food

4 years ago

viiiiv (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 3

veggiepink (Spectator)

lmao its not a tennis move xd

4 years ago

veggiepink (Spectator)

i was just bullshitting

4 years ago

veggiepink (Spectator)

holy shit if its racket

4 years ago