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Seduction's team
Finished 1st.

뱀 시간이야, Seduction, QuirkyQuack-discord, VicSeymore, Richard, numbART

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TheHunter's team
Finished 2nd.

Kratos,   Dec cup icon1079, TheHunter cup icon602, awkwardphairy cup icon487, Moah

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GLHF! Last match viewed here.

4 years ago

QuirkyQuack-discord (Spectator)

I’m just watching :P

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)

You dont like being player do you :D

4 years ago

QuirkyQuack-discord (Spectator)

Sometimes ^^

4 years ago

QuirkyQuack-discord (Spectator)

If there aren’t enough people

4 years ago

VicSeymore (Spectator)

Yeah, not a problem right now though...

4 years ago

VicSeymore (Spectator)

actually a bit crowded and i may head down

4 years ago

Dec (Spectator)

ill join you after this

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

you guys choose

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)

you guys choose

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)

i'm just spectating

4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)

you guys choose

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

LOL niceee

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

Ati you are on team red

4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)

am i

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)

no she isn't

4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)

how do you know

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)

check again

4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)

maybe im not

4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)


4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

oh what

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

im so confused

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)


4 years ago

Moah (Spectator)

me too right

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

itso kay you can be on any team

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

why did we pick death

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

we got the 3 apocalypse right i think?

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)

end of the orld

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)


4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

oh but i thought we got

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

the 3 right

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

risky yolo move :o

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

i like that

4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

we are hard sussing reevolution

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)

death and aztec were sure ons

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)


4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)

why revolution now

4 years ago

numbART (Spectator)

we got 3/3

4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

i dont think it wasforfilm

4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

sorry my space doesnt work too well

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)


4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

space bar

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)


4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)


4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)


4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

quirky this is a dark clue

4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

ifits what we'er thinking

4 years ago

뱀 시간이야 (Spectator)

shameon you

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

boot or axe i think

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

but up to you guys

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)

and maybe they gave us only 2 because we said we thinking of revolutio

4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)


4 years ago

Richard (Spectator)


4 years ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

4 years ago

Kratos (Spectator)

Atiii you aren't in VC

4 years ago