Laer 🌺
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Laer 🌺's team
Finished 2nd.

Mr Lazy, Laer 🌺 cup icon37, Drill

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Dec's team
Finished 1st.

Bricks For Brains cup icon514,   Dec cup icon1077, Hax cup icon107

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

can you let me know what you're sussing?

4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

model is our sus

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

I'll be back you can win without me if I'm still gone

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

well fuck nvm

4 years ago