Harex Tony
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Harex Tony's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

Doh cup icon55,   Emrvld cup icon417, Mojo Jo Jo cup icon445, MangoSalsa, Harex Tony cup icon39

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Forbes68's team
Finished 1st.

mooni cup icon365,   Tiritenaar, yoni, Forbes68 cup icon46, ScarlettGames cup icon167

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GLHF! The top 10 most popular clues from the last week are disallowed, they are: ANIMAL, WATER, FOOD, MUSIC, SPACE, METAL, COLD, MONEY, PEOPLE, OCEAN.

25 months ago


GLHF! The top 10 most popular clues from the last week are disallowed, they are: ANIMAL, WATER, FOOD, MUSIC, SPACE, METAL, COLD, MONEY, PEOPLE, OCEAN.

25 months ago