match icon
easwar05's team
Finished 2nd.

Holmes cup icon51, poo poo, Miss_Poet cup icon2238

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VicSeymore's team
Finished 1st.

TheHunter cup icon602, VicSeymore, temerla cup icon151

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GLHF! Last match viewed here.

4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)

u good there easwar?

4 years ago
End of turn 1

poo poo (Spectator)

hercules > tatoo

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

I am good :)

4 years ago
End of turn 2

poo poo (Spectator)

club > tattoo > lemon

4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)

club > bond > tattoo > lemon

4 years ago
End of turn 3

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Dressing, pad, tatto, lemon, glass?

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

Seriously ^°^

4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)

stock > pad > lemon > glass

4 years ago
End of turn 4

Holmes (Spectator)

Good guessing people

4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)

sus polish

4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)


4 years ago

poo poo (Spectator)

square fpt bath

4 years ago

TheHunter (Spectator)


4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

Sorry people

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

I am like playing after so many days

4 years ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Thanks captain, it was close. 😃

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

Just learning to play ^^

4 years ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

What was the last word

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)


4 years ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

I see

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

Was the last word

4 years ago

Holmes (Spectator)

I guess if we play more ,maybe we will get better

4 years ago


21 months ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1

temerla (Spectator)

u guys movin down

4 years ago
End of turn 2

TheHunter (Spectator)

force, kick, polish, club, stock

4 years ago
End of turn 3

temerla (Spectator)

polish club lemon

4 years ago

temerla (Spectator)

lemons ours they were taken off it

4 years ago

temerla (Spectator)

torn between switch and square

4 years ago

TheHunter (Spectator)

gg scrubs

4 years ago


21 months ago