match icon
Avci's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

Avci cup icon74, Xcrs, Fabi

match icon
Youssef's team
Finished 1st.

xeno, Youssef, Nouha

Swipe to flip

Chat icon


GLHF! 178 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 17,568

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

who to wants to be captain?

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

no one

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

Avci you be the captain

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

lol fabi

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

Xcrs will explain and help fabi

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Let's go bouys

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 1

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

gimme sus list

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Oh my gawd

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

write me sus list

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

are we losing???..........lol

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

relax its not over yet

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

fabi is our teams burden

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 2

Xcrs (Spectator)

Fabi chill

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

It's your first game

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

you're mean avci

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

who hurt you brother?

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

fabi hurt me she killed me in mafia lol

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

We are gonna win don't worry

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

people are evil

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

in my team,,,lol

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

don't worry fabi I got you

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

come to our team

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

screw them

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)


4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)


4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Fabi, always betraying me

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

And killing me

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)


4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)


4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

u guys kill me...liars

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

When did I ever kill you?

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

I never kill my friends

4 years ago

Fabi (Spectator)

btw....why the game is stopped

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

It's red teams turn

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

Because our captain is scheming something big

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

I can feel it

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

You're not getting anymore chances. We'll end the game in this turn.

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Something big

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

she is gonna dump us hhhhhhhhhhhh

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

We are gonna dump her

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Send her to Luna's team

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

lol dont do that

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

if you are niot sure you can always skip

4 years ago
End of turn 3
End of turn 3


GLHF! 178 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 17,568

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

hi xenooo

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

hi Yousseef

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

i have the best team ever

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 1

xeno (Spectator)

I think it can be wooden post

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

so post

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

sus list - post

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

wrong : 0 clues

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

right: number of clues

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

When did avci become this pro in this game?

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

He's Blue's sidekick

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

who me?

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

He's leveling up day by day

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

Yeah Avci

4 years ago

Xcrs (Spectator)

You became real good since the last time I played with you guys

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

such a peaceul game lol

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)


4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

I kinda also sus Fan

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

wooden fan?

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

how about scarecrow?

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

i thought of scarecrow too

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

i don't think it's post xeno

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

let's sus scarecrow

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

or fan

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)


4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

and cross?

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

xeno do you know what is yucatan

4 years ago
End of turn 2

xeno (Spectator)


4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)


4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

is it not allowed?

4 years ago

Nouha (Spectator)

why cross xeno?

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

like crucifix are mostly wooden, right?

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

oh it was cross

4 years ago

xeno (Spectator)

post is blue

4 years ago