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Miss_Poet's team
Finished 1st.

Miss_Poet cup icon2238, Rider Neo cup icon620

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Mayday's team
Finished 2nd.

Mayday, Khadeeja cup icon432

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GLHF! 331 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 172,536

21 months ago
End of turn 1

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago
End of turn 2

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

fever may be good still for fire?

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

kungfu for fighting

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

red works for forest and fever

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

vet is the only person on the oard

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

there are big trees called redwoods

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

yup thats right about vet

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

lets go wid vet

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

im good withwhatever

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

ill turn headset on after my call

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

torh is good for fire

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

dont wanna interrupt your rythm

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

i like kungfu for fighter

21 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Good job 😀

21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


21 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Kung fu was for missile 0 too

21 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Fighting aspect

21 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


21 months ago


GLHF! 331 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 172,536

21 months ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

Mayday (Spectator)

Tit for tat

21 months ago

Khadeeja (Spectator)


21 months ago

Khadeeja (Spectator)

Was that on purpose?

21 months ago

Mayday (Spectator)

We lost

21 months ago

Khadeeja (Spectator)


21 months ago