match icon
bhie's team
Finished 2nd.

Buddy cup icon15, BlackSwan,   Aim cup icon551, Khadeeja cup icon432, bhie, JustA1 cup icon709

 Rider Neo
match icon
Rider Neo's team
Finished 1st.

Rider Neo cup icon620, ScreaM, Miss_Poet cup icon2238, Kellll

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Chat icon

Aim (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

if not I'll go

22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)

okay just one

22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)

bear with my logic hahah

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

go for it

22 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

watch time jeri

22 months ago
End of turn 1

BlackSwan (Spectator)

face as in body part like foot

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

marble as in round like ball

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

i like marble. face feels too stretchy

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

are we playing with list?

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

you make a list

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

court > america > marble > pad

22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

oh face was right

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

face then down list?

22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)


22 months ago
End of turn 2

Aim (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

yeah i was doubting one could be swhite

22 months ago

Khadeeja (Spectator)

The rest may be right

22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)

America > marble >pad >luck

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

because with face we got 6 for football

22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)

What you guys think

22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)

Oh yeah, could be

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

smoothie or pan for sebum?

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

and the previous list

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)


22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)


22 months ago

JustA1 (Spectator)

I can get behind that

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

smoothie for general liquid angle and pan for oil angle

22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)

list pls

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

america > marble > pad > smoothie > pan

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

low on time

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

our list must be bad

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

may be

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

I am not sure now

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

me neither

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

imo we go back to list if unsure

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago
End of turn 3

Khadeeja (Spectator)

Could it be volume

22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)


22 months ago

bhie (Spectator)

i messed up the last clue

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

you were susing plot and casino

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

we think so alike

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

it was a tiritenaar style clue

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

so many angles

22 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Yeah Black Swan 😀

22 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

22 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Plot and casino were good for your team

22 months ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

It was middle easter music and dance

22 months ago
End of turn 1

Miss_Poet (Spectator)

Brb in minutes

22 months ago

BlackSwan (Spectator)

are we playing with list?

22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)


22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

what is this clue rider

22 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

it is illegal lol

22 months ago
End of turn 2

Rider Neo (Spectator)


22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)

Ban rider

22 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

it is a name of the station

22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)

I'm opening a ticket

22 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)

But you know you can't give number clue

22 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

dis is the exception

22 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)

its more like a name of the station

22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)

Accha ji

22 months ago

Rider Neo (Spectator)


22 months ago

ScreaM (Spectator)


22 months ago