match icon
Jammy's team
Finished 1st.

  Suzi, He06, Jammy, abyss, J Mart cup icon85

Players that left early: Snackity Wackity cup icon39

match icon
darnold's team
Finished 2nd.

  darnold cup icon1418, atatatat, yoni, Uncle Pepe

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

25 months ago
End of turn 1

abyss (Spectator)

foot hospital maracas phoenix hair

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)

foot hospital hair maracas phoenix hair

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)

foot hospital hair maracas phoenix

25 months ago
End of turn 2

abyss (Spectator)

calf for body or cherry/fish for eye??

25 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

didnt we get everything for rem?

25 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

we need 3 for landfill

25 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

id put mess and maybe 2 other places

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)

damn nvm

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)

mess compund castle atlantiss germany

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)

mess compound atlantis tipi germany?

25 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)

good job the first list was GG

25 months ago

abyss (Spectator)


25 months ago

J Mart (Spectator)

Y'all did great!

25 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

25 months ago
End of turn 1

Uncle Pepe (Spectator)


25 months ago
End of turn 2