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doge black card no more
Finished 1st.

dogecoin, SkiddoLevino cup icon13, nogooglehint, Zaki cup icon13

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Cumrag's team
Finished 2nd.

🥚🥚, Zelda735 cup icon29, Cumrag, Illudes

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2
End of turn 3

SkiddoLevino (Spectator)

Okay, so I think it's Glacier and Sink for underwater.

4 years ago

SkiddoLevino (Spectator)

and plus one left for cavalry

4 years ago

nogooglehint (Spectator)

I think walrus and glacier

4 years ago

SkiddoLevino (Spectator)

it could be sherwood

4 years ago

SkiddoLevino (Spectator)

oh walrus is good too

4 years ago
End of turn 1


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 2

🥚🥚 (Spectator)

zelda you're host

4 years ago
End of turn 3
End of turn 4