match icon
Avci's team
Finished 1st.

Avci cup icon74, Blue, Kn singhania

Players that left early: CloseAce

match icon
Luna's team
Finished 2nd.

Luna, Youssef, Miss_Poet cup icon2238, momomango2018

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1

Blue (Spectator)

kns i wanna have fun this game

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

so i may open random cards lol

4 years ago

Kn singhania (Spectator)

As you like it

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

lol just dont hit black one

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 2

Blue (Spectator)

bigggggggggg clues

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

lmao i cant

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

this game is slow

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

they call me the slowest player ever in the other server , i wonder what if they see red team

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

yeah red team is so lame

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Youssef (Spectator)


4 years ago

Miss_Poet (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

i am going to take a nap and come back while they are choosing

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

yeah you could

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

red team is blood team

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

they are thirsty for each other's blood

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

gypsy king really blue

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

dont fall asleep

4 years ago
End of turn 3

Kn singhania (Spectator)

Good work 👍

4 years ago

Kn singhania (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

they are so slow

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

mill- tokyo- attic

4 years ago
End of turn 4

Blue (Spectator)

i sus tutu

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

if its not ours give us two

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

that left

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

if tutu is not ours link two others

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

try your best

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

use ur imagination

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

we got it

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

i feel like grace is ours kns

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

i sused it since begining

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

we should give him sus list

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

i gave tutu maybe thats it or maybe grace but we cant give him two sus

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

its confusing

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

ok agree and gimme your susses

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

meyhaneci is playing we have to win

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Kn singhania (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

so happy u sused bug

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

i was going pea

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

and they were wining]

4 years ago

Kn singhania (Spectator)

Well finally we did it

4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

good job

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

pog kns

4 years ago

Kn singhania (Spectator)


4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

Avci (Spectator)

all black everything

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Blue (Spectator)

tokyo is black at night

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)

yes it is thats right

4 years ago
End of turn 3
End of turn 4
End of turn 5

Avci (Spectator)

luna pimped your cards

4 years ago

Avci (Spectator)


4 years ago