match icon
Vega's team
Finished 1st.

Wade cup icon113, Vega,   Aim cup icon551

Players that left early: Mo., Iionpox

match icon
mooni's team
Finished 2nd.

  Colonel Otto cup icon758, mooni, Sparks

Players that left early: Reignxreign

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Chat icon


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

This must be statue of liberty, not liberty itself or the clue would be freedom

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Let's click Texas?

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Then skyscraper, big ben?

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

The remaining ones are tricky

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Notre Dame is another building so it's a possibility

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Let's avoid figure for now since it might be for their clue Aaang

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

It's also a cathedral in France

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Let's try it?

25 months ago
End of turn 1

Aim (Spectator)


25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Let's see if they get sussed off figure

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Vega, do you play with lists?

25 months ago

Vega (Spectator)


25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)


25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


25 months ago

Vega (Spectator)

So positive

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Figure + ?

25 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

ok so they got sussed off figure

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Do you like mammoth or mount after figure?

25 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

maybe mount idk

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Figure Mount Mammoth?

25 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

what about nurse since its a female statue? or is that to much of a stretch?

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

It's not bad

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Figure Mount Nurse Mammoth?

25 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

yea i like that

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Figure Mount Nurse Mammoth FINAL

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Notre Dame means Our Lady. Since that was wrong, I didn't weigh the woman aspect strongly enough to put Nurse higher in the list

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

But it might be ours, you're right

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Let's click Figure and Mount first?

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

And then go for our clue?

25 months ago
End of turn 2

Vega (Spectator)

Trust me haha I had to do this

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Oh Nurse was the assassin

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Wheelchair + ?

25 months ago

Vega (Spectator)

Fast suslist

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


25 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

memory maybe?

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

I guess so

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

I hope he saw you type memory

25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

They got cold so I doubt it's mammoth

25 months ago

Vega (Spectator)


25 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Nice, gg

25 months ago


21 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

25 months ago
End of turn 1

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

we got two options

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

we can give a sus list

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

or get another clue then give sus list?

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

how strong are you on figure

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)


25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

Point, figure, nurse, mount?

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)


25 months ago
End of turn 2

mooni (Spectator)

sus list

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

will have it

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

avalanche, missile, row??

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

I was thinking avalanche, walrus, row?

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

okay with me!

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

avalanche, walrus, row

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

But missile is pretty good

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

missle because "aang" has combustion, i was thinking fire with it

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

but honestly no idea

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

avalanche, walrus, row

25 months ago
End of turn 3

mooni (Spectator)

sus list

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

Walrus, pipe?

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)


25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

sus list?

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

we should eliinate one animal mayube

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

I just gave one

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

oh ok

25 months ago

Sparks (Spectator)

Walrus, pipe?

25 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

walrus, pipe =- - fina;l

25 months ago


21 months ago