match icon
awkwardphai's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

TheLandOfTheFree cup icon14,   Court cup icon394, awkwardphairy cup icon478

match icon
SnagStyx's team
Finished 1st.

Bricks For Brains cup icon514,   SnagStyx

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago

Court (Spectator)

press > medic > chick > sound > scale

4 years ago
End of turn 1

Court (Spectator)

press > medic > chick > sound > china > scale > tank

4 years ago
End of turn 2

Court (Spectator)

Dressing > paper

4 years ago
End of turn 3
End of turn 3

SnagStyx (Spectator)

dya wanna go?

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

you were on point snag

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

you going cap or nahh

4 years ago

SnagStyx (Spectator)

idm either way

4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

I'm always down for spy but you should go

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

never really remembered you as captain

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

just know you're a great operative

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

take your time I'm going to do a thing for school rq

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

still here though

4 years ago
End of turn 1

SnagStyx (Spectator)

okie dokie

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

hmm idk if you're the type to go for the other animals

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

that was hard for me lmao

4 years ago
End of turn 2

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

sus on press

4 years ago

SnagStyx (Spectator)

so close

4 years ago

SnagStyx (Spectator)

you were all good

4 years ago

SnagStyx (Spectator)

it was clean

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

yeah I never give clues for the other animals like that so I was concerned but I might do that sometime we'll see

4 years ago

Bricks For Brains (Spectator)

it was really good

4 years ago