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Kashi's team
Finished 1st.

  Kashi, GinJay,   Dec cup icon1075

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Rain's team
Finished 2nd.

Rain, e-low, mooni cup icon365, Darth cup icon81

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GLHF! 334 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 132,886

25 months ago
End of turn 1

GinJay (Spectator)

shakespeare, jeweler, pirate, mosquito, air, quack

25 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

shakespeare, jeweler, , mosquito, pirate, air, quack

25 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

shakespeare , mosquito, pirate, air, quack

25 months ago


GLHF! 334 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 132,886

25 months ago
End of turn 1

e-low (Spectator)

gymnast, air, bulb, beam, wish, bing bag,

25 months ago

e-low (Spectator)

not final

25 months ago

e-low (Spectator)

could be going for action words as well

25 months ago

e-low (Spectator)


25 months ago

e-low (Spectator)

bulb-big bang-air-beam-wish

25 months ago

e-low (Spectator)

bulb-shoot-big bang-air-beam-wish

25 months ago

Rain (Spectator)


25 months ago

Rain (Spectator)

Thats a 4

25 months ago
End of turn 2

Rain (Spectator)

Their sus list was so good

25 months ago

Rain (Spectator)

yeah I gambled lunch break

25 months ago

Rain (Spectator)

I thought the list might make up for it

25 months ago