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awkwardphairy's team
Finished 2nd.

Doctor cup icon58, awkwardphairy cup icon501, Laer 🌺 cup icon37, ACE cup icon8, Nexus Gray

match icon
babyvio❦'s team
Finished 1st.

babyvio❦ cup icon185, hamadtata cup icon118, Salamander cup icon143

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Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

ace when you're back say hi here

4 years ago

ACE (Spectator)

Ive been here lol. Just dont want to interefere with your guys connection.

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

strongly sussing muskeeter

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

crusader for zorro i think

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)


4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

could be mosquito and jam

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)

mosquito and jam

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)


4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

one's a bug, one is honey

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

okay what's your preferred clicking order?

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

we have to stick with it with the old cards

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)

crusader mosquito jam

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)

can she read the chat?

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)


4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

that's how i won the last game. i wrote them here

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)


4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

crusader could potentially be both lol. but maybeeeee crusader, mosquito, jam then and then she'd just need to give us a 1

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

if we get a 2 we need to sus out how one of the two could relate to zorro or beekeeper

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)

thats what im hoping. so if it is a 1 clue we know those three are solid

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

so I think 1 clue = we click those three. 2+ = we sus that clue first and figure out WHAT they relate to, then click those, and click the remaining clue. it'd be hard if we are between two for beekeeper granted

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)

if its 2 you want to start with crusader?

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

if it's 2+ i want to start with the new clue

4 years ago

Nexus Gray (Spectator)


4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

figure out what old clue it relates to

4 years ago

Laer 🌺 (Spectator)

We have 3 2 3 so we have 1 remaining with no clue

4 years ago