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codename: KND
Finished 2nd.

Gianjean, Nexus Gray, awkwardphairy cup icon501, ACE cup icon8, Laer 🌺 cup icon37

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darnold's team
Finished 1st.

  darnold cup icon1419, Merci21 cup icon5,   jovy cup icon175

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jovy (Spectator)

think engine is more plane specific than battle, but we already got ace for the pilot word

4 years ago

jovy (Spectator)

we say engine is our favourite, if we get a 3 we click battle

4 years ago

Merci21 (Spectator)

its a little bit of risk for black card, anyways worth taking

4 years ago

Merci21 (Spectator)

engine is fav

4 years ago