match icon
bobby's team
Finished 2nd.

Drew4yew cup icon75, hellooo, bobby, Better suzi

Players that left early: mmmm

match icon
Suzi's team
Finished 1st.

  Aim cup icon552, future,   Suzi, nene_12389 cup icon139

Players that left early: mmmm

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Chat icon

bobby (Spectator)


28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)

unmute for a mintute

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

cant, sorry

28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)


28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)


28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

okay i did

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

i undeafened

28 months ago

future (Spectator)

nene doesnt like butter on her toast

28 months ago

future (Spectator)

so she wont talk to you bobby

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)


28 months ago

future (Spectator)

change your name to strawberry jam

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

yeah i think i like that more.. or marmalade

28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)

well i used to be b-bong but discord made me change it to b-butters

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)


28 months ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

28 months ago

Drew4yew (Spectator)

I guess you got nene to talk now

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

could be pitcher plant

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

sus: toast, berry, field, honey, pitcher,poison,kid

28 months ago

Drew4yew (Spectator)

what do you think m?

28 months ago
End of turn 1

Drew4yew (Spectator)

well that helps us

28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)

just a reminder on time

28 months ago

bobby (Spectator)

dont run outta it

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

someone increase the time

28 months ago
End of turn 2

bobby (Spectator)


28 months ago

future (Spectator)

oh no

28 months ago

future (Spectator)

im on suzis team :(

28 months ago

future (Spectator)

i cant beat her

28 months ago

Drew4yew (Spectator)

you can ask a question tho

28 months ago

Drew4yew (Spectator)

that might help

28 months ago

future (Spectator)


28 months ago

future (Spectator)


28 months ago

mmmm (Spectator)

Capitan SUiz

28 months ago

mmmm (Spectator)

do not fail us

28 months ago

future (Spectator)

whats the sus word?

28 months ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

28 months ago

mmmm (Spectator)


28 months ago
End of turn 1

nene_12389 (Spectator)

sus: toast, berry, field, honey, pitcher,poison,kid

28 months ago

Drew4yew (Spectator)


28 months ago
End of turn 2

nene_12389 (Spectator)

do u wanna sus poion as last one for veggie?

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)

lets just keep one sus word: poison

28 months ago

nene_12389 (Spectator)


28 months ago

mmmm (Spectator)

why not salad for veggies lol?

28 months ago

mmmm (Spectator)


28 months ago

future (Spectator)

you did so amazing suzi :)

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Good job

28 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

tyty :)))

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Suzi and Drew are hosts

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

On Scipher

28 months ago