match icon
tnkrbl's team
Finished 2nd.

Cain, tnkrbl cup icon511, Mar, Chaos cup icon116

 Colonel Otto
match icon
Colonel Ott's team
Finished 1st.

  Colonel Otto cup icon758,   Suzi, Treat, toby_hr

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Chat icon


GLHF! 287 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 127,787

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

I like litenames version better than the other one

27 months ago

Suzi (Spectator)

why is that?

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

So give clues based on lite names rule

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

I'm reading the rules of the meta

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

I kind of get it

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

Kind of dont

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

I will try

27 months ago
End of turn 1

Cain (Spectator)


27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)

Fog,Egypt, wagon

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)


27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)


27 months ago
End of turn 2

Cain (Spectator)


27 months ago

Treat (Spectator)

Cain, you sound like a robot

27 months ago
End of turn 3

toby_hr (Spectator)

100% wrong, got em

27 months ago

Mar (Spectator)

line > egypt > van > glove

27 months ago

Cain (Spectator)


27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

1 min left

27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

30 secs

27 months ago
End of turn 4

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

gg, brutal board

27 months ago


GLHF! 287 matches in the last 48 hours. This is match number 127,787

27 months ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2
End of turn 3

toby_hr (Spectator)


27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


27 months ago

Treat (Spectator)


27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

i like line

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

boxer is a person

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

dr house md?

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

dentist couldve gottent gum

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

why periodontist

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

toothpaste wouldve been tube and gum

27 months ago
End of turn 4

Treat (Spectator)

You are right, toby

27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

1 min

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

boxer is good for us

27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

30 secs

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)


27 months ago

Treat (Spectator)


27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

they said stay away from glove

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

and then clicked

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

treat me and you are both lions

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)


27 months ago

Treat (Spectator)


27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)


27 months ago

Treat (Spectator)

Line - Curry

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

not boxer?

27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)


27 months ago

toby_hr (Spectator)

Im your friend?

27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)


27 months ago

Colonel Otto (Spectator)

brutual board

27 months ago