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Saska's team
Finished 2nd.

  Saska cup icon266, i-man cup icon22, Baka cup icon66

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Laxx's team
Finished 1st.

Amadeus cup icon57, Cerebrum, Laxx, BuddyHolly

Players that left early: Slavik

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2
End of turn 3
End of turn 4

Baka (Spectator)

Death, contract, rabbit

4 years ago

Baka (Spectator)

Death contract bat rabbit

4 years ago
End of turn 5

i-man (Spectator)

i am confused

4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Amadeus whatcha thinking?

4 years ago
End of turn 1

Cerebrum (Spectator)

So would it be like sword, pit, snake maybe crusader?

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

snake > pit > sword > crusaderi

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)


4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

i'm ok with throwing snake down the list

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Would stuff like bat and razor be stretching it?

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

i was just writing it up independently and it's acutally the same words

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

yeah i thought about razor a bit

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

bat a bit less idk

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

their clue???

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

ohh she might have just wanted to tell us that eveerything relating to death is theirs?

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

or white

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)


4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

oh that might help us

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

snake can be burried

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 2

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Definitely still thinking razor

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Also Bride > Track > Beijing for vegas

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

razor > bat if we have to stretch death till the end

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)


4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

bride > beijing > track for me

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

i'm not sure what track means

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

relating to casino

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Like race track, betting on horse in vegas

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

ok hmm

4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

But I'm not super confident on that one

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

track > rail > coke > vegas

4 years ago

Laxx (Spectator)

Final sus

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

wow wow

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

let's see what they hit

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

i'm sure for an R word for them if that can help at any point

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)


4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

contract can be death and vegas idk

4 years ago
End of turn 3

Cerebrum (Spectator)

yeah i like contract

4 years ago
End of turn 4

Cerebrum (Spectator)

Alright so we thinking contract here?

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

yy idk if i'm tunneling on it

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

but i'm clicking that any day if i'm alone

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

unless next clue is a 2

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)


4 years ago

Cerebrum (Spectator)

glad i didn't keep on track haha

4 years ago