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Cerebrum's team
Finished 1st.

Cerebrum,   Saska cup icon266, hahnsolo cup icon14

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Slavik's team
Finished 2nd.

Amadeus cup icon57, i-man cup icon22, Slavik, Baka cup icon66

Players that left early: mat145

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

Saska (Spectator)

Round sus

4 years ago
End of turn 3

hahnsolo (Spectator)

i think zero means, the sus list is zero, and then do 1 associate

4 years ago

hahnsolo (Spectator)

so lab might be good

4 years ago

Saska (Spectator)

im not sure, happy to go with Lab

4 years ago

hahnsolo (Spectator)

lets just blank sus list, and get fresh clue

4 years ago

Saska (Spectator)

I also like people: Wizard, spine, Kung FU :S

4 years ago

Saska (Spectator)

we need a list or we lose.

4 years ago

hahnsolo (Spectator)

radio may have been black

4 years ago

Saska (Spectator)

ok could have been radio for black

4 years ago

Saska (Spectator)

lets just sus Lab?

4 years ago

hahnsolo (Spectator)


4 years ago
End of turn 4

Saska (Spectator)

SPine > vet

4 years ago
End of turn 5

hahnsolo (Spectator)


4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2
End of turn 3
End of turn 4

Amadeus (Spectator)

we're going wizard anyhow

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

then if it's light you can give us some clue for 2 words

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

otherwise 3

4 years ago

Amadeus (Spectator)

i guess?

4 years ago
End of turn 5

Baka (Spectator)

Sus wish

4 years ago
End of turn 6