match icon
angel_mood's team
Finished 2nd.

  darnold cup icon1419, helloo, butters, angel_mood,   Dec cup icon1089

match icon
onlysav's team
Finished 1st.

GinJay, onlysav, Pizz cup icon118, root, VicSeymore

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Chat icon

angel_mood (Spectator)

vic for team captain

28 months ago

VicSeymore (Spectator)


28 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

28 months ago
End of turn 1

darnold (Spectator)

igloo cross

28 months ago
End of turn 2

darnold (Spectator)

igloo cross kilt iceland?

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

why cross so high

28 months ago

helloo (Spectator)

cross for britain?

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

i think kilt and iceland to the front, not sure the 3 meant igloo is confirmed or not

28 months ago

helloo (Spectator)

there can only be one northwest left

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

does mood work with sus list darnold?

28 months ago

helloo (Spectator)

i think putting the first for northwest then the second sus for britan

28 months ago

onlysav (Spectator)

im sorry

28 months ago

onlysav (Spectator)

if so

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

iceland prob white

28 months ago

helloo (Spectator)

then igloo cross?

28 months ago

onlysav (Spectator)

im sorry blue iknow kmy mistake

28 months ago
End of turn 3


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

28 months ago
End of turn 1

GinJay (Spectator)

mother, life, cross

28 months ago
End of turn 2

GinJay (Spectator)

mustard, code, lip

28 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

lip, mustard, code

28 months ago

Pizz (Spectator)

Lip, Mustard, Code

28 months ago

Pizz (Spectator)


28 months ago

Pizz (Spectator)

Im not confident with Code

28 months ago

Pizz (Spectator)

Lip Mustard Death

28 months ago
End of turn 3

Pizz (Spectator)

Iceland Code?

28 months ago