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Sycamorph's team
Finished 1st.

  Asterix cup icon308, Marz- cup icon224, Sycamorph cup icon7

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Peri's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

Marquis, Peri, Kawah cup icon651

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Sycamorph (Spectator)

Initially feather was for Jack (Captain Jack Sparrow), didn't think of relation to flying. In the end you said that Santa might be related to feathers (idk how), so I hoped you'd click it. To go along with that I decided to choose a 3 clue that'd exclude Santa, but it was a stretch (rubber-latex-tree-lumber), was afraid you would click "sloth" if I just said "tree".

5 years ago

Asterix (Spectator)


5 years ago