match icon
TheHunter's team
Finished 1st.

TheHunter cup icon602, nene,   Tiritenaar, Richie, Pinks, JabamiChan The Innocent

Players that left early: nene1

match icon
nene's team
Finished 2nd.

Drill, JJurisDoctor ✨ cup icon579, cazey, bianca,   SnagStyx, Abyss, nene, Drill,   Dec cup icon1077, nene1

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Chat icon

nene (Spectator)

can i go cap?

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

I'm still spectating. How do I leave team? I got pulled in after the randomize

28 months ago

Tiritenaar (Spectator)

click on the cog and then leave team

28 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

alt f3

28 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

alt f4

28 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Ok, the cog appeared after I refreshed

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)


28 months ago
End of turn 1

JabamiChan The Innocent (Spectator)

Leprechaun sink ladder

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

I've accessed some papers on jstor

28 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

Including one on basics of sewage pump systems ahahaha

28 months ago

Tiritenaar (Spectator)

ah cool, aim

28 months ago

nene (Spectator)

can i go cap

28 months ago

bianca (Spectator)


28 months ago

nene (Spectator)

im not in this team anymore

28 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

28 months ago
End of turn 1

JabamiChan The Innocent (Spectator)


28 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

nene, did you see the board?

28 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

list, drilll

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

dollar > director > undertaker > leprechaun > club

28 months ago

Dec (Spectator)

dollar > club > director > undertaker > leprechaun

28 months ago
End of turn 2