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Varvekk-dis's team
Finished 1st.

Glitchy, Hexa, Varvekk-discord cup icon30

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Marz-'s team
Finished 2nd.

awkwardphairy cup icon501, Marz- cup icon224

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1
End of turn 2

Glitchy (Spectator)

we will sus Virus then Mulan then rust

4 years ago

Glitchy (Spectator)

actually not rust

4 years ago
End of turn 3

Varvekk-discord (Spectator)

Sorry. Did I miss the suss ?

4 years ago

Hexa (Spectator)

Mulan shakespeare

4 years ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

4 years ago
End of turn 1

awkwardphairy (Spectator)

Bunk, mulan, russia, clock, ham, rust

4 years ago
End of turn 2

awkwardphairy (Spectator)

Saw, Quack, russia, ham, figure, Shakespeare

4 years ago
End of turn 3

awkwardphairy (Spectator)

Olive, russia, shakespear if not russia than mummy

4 years ago