match icon
Jammy's team
Finished 1st.

Jammy, Abyss,   Aim cup icon551

Players that left early: JabamiChan The Innocent

 Rider Neo
match icon
Rider Neo's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

push, bricker, JJurisDoctor ✨ cup icon579, Rider Neo cup icon620

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Chat icon

Abyss (Spectator)

go jammy

29 months ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

cleo > nurse

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)


29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

what next?

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

yep makes sense

29 months ago
End of turn 1

Abyss (Spectator)

you think lip is good?

29 months ago

Aim (Spectator)

i was thinking in this order (lip > kitchen > cell > pillow)

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

kitchen ahahah

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

we should sus a person too

29 months ago

Aim (Spectator)


29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

i cant decide between lip kitchen smuggler cell

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)


29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

not after their clue

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

I was on clock

29 months ago

Abyss (Spectator)

for tech

29 months ago

Jammy (Spectator)


29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

airez you are stuck with me :)

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

don't worry we got this

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

I trust you Monish

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

And Rider please don't let us to hit the black card

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

its a rock fish

29 months ago


GLHF! Last match viewed here.

29 months ago
End of turn 1

bricker (Spectator)

man whenever i think fish angler fish comes to my mind

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i have no idea why

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

why is that?

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i have no idea

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

to be fair they are cool

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

imagine having a bulb from your head

29 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i would not google it tho just did and i wont sleep at night

29 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

triangle, luck

29 months ago
End of turn 2
End of turn 2