match icon
tringtring's team
Finished 2nd. Revealed black card.

JJurisDoctor ✨ cup icon579, Buy a Leaf cup icon52, bricker, tringtring

match icon
SavBEast's team
Finished 1st.

  SnagStyx, IMAGE, Wade cup icon119, SavBEast

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Chat icon

bricker (Spectator)

turkey was a ok guess :(

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i think we forgot about the emphasis on river

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

go again

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

She is deafened... probably afk?

30 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

I'm here now

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

Oh btw that was for all the water related things, places (didn't mind yall clicking country) and all the people

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

I see but i found on Google that some animals...god...transform stuff

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

Send me a ss. This person seems cool lol

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Eh what was the clue, i forgot

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

imagine 2 spymaster discussing and giving a clue

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

surely 2 people would give like 8 clues or something lol

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

that's sounds fun

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i iknow

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

wanna try that next game?

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

ask in vc

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

ok one sec

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

he didnt say ocean tho

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

we could have gotten those for ocean

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Also that 2 spymaster per team sucks...cuz spymaster would have to discuss = time gets wasted

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

what is arlantic

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

if i google it says its a american magazine im dead

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)


30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

lol bricker

30 months ago
End of turn 1

bricker (Spectator)

i would go places than stream

30 months ago

Buy a Leaf (Spectator)

ill be on in few mins see ya

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

technically co op on the other site is more than 1 spymaster

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

but i guess it has like suggestions and stuff

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

but why Atlantic instead of Places?

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

I think stream is good

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

garden is a place

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

makes sense

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

Stream, London, France

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

you can rearrange

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

nah its alright i guess

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

for hitting it

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

i got itch

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

not London

30 months ago
End of turn 2
End of turn 2

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

It was bill

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

should have waited on that

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Also café..the accent in show it is France

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Also coffee was for Atlantic too

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Cuz it is liquid

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

but why couldnt you do a french river

30 months ago

JJurisDoctor ✨ (Spectator)

I don't want to click anymore

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

It's ok

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Atlantic was good for France

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

France is surrounded only by atlantic

30 months ago


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)


30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

snag what do you thinnk about a double spymaster mode

30 months ago

bricker (Spectator)

like 2 spymaster discussing clues than giving it

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

barbecue commit

30 months ago
End of turn 1

IMAGE (Spectator)

do they use wood for grill

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

umm maybe some do? i'm only familair with charcoal and gas grills tho

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

hmm ok apparently some ppl do burn wood in charcoal grills

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

so wood is probably a good thing to sus

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

sussing wood

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

so i guess itss not wood?

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

u think?

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

y not wood

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

well he gave 3 clue so i'm not sure

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

maybe is wood tho

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

no for grill

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

he said grill 2

30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

10 seconds

30 months ago
End of turn 2

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

tringtring (Spectator)

Someone add time for these guys

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

yea he woulda gave 6 or infinity if wood was right

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

cause we sussed it

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

maybe its wing for grill

30 months ago

SavBEast (Spectator)

tring you always trolling gtfa

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

the 3 was for lint so what are the two we're missing for that?

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

synonym for lint

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)


30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

maybe.. i've not a clue tbh lol

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

check maybe? like u check for lint in the dryer?

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

could be screen to

30 months ago

Wade (Spectator)

like the filters in some dryers are basically screens

30 months ago

IMAGE (Spectator)

i have no clue

30 months ago