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Dec's team
Finished 2nd.

  Dec cup icon1079, Aviacado, Youssef

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kashii's team
Finished 1st.

kashii, Roots, Pinkyy, GinJay

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GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

30 months ago
End of turn 1

Aviacado (Spectator)

Flat, sock, potter, snap

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)


30 months ago

Roots (Spectator)

defo pool

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)


30 months ago
End of turn 2


GLHF! The last two matches can be viewed here and here.

30 months ago
End of turn 1

Roots (Spectator)

ray > green > pine > pool > amazon > wave > plane

30 months ago
End of turn 2

GinJay (Spectator)

bed, pine > pool > amazon > wave > plane, flat

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)


30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

pyjamas for sock imo

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

kashi is smilling

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

because our list is perfect

30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

thats why hes singing

30 months ago

Roots (Spectator)

pine > pool > amazon > wave > bed > pillow

30 months ago

Roots (Spectator)

pine > pool > amazon > wave > bed > flat **

30 months ago

Roots (Spectator)


30 months ago

GinJay (Spectator)

where did plane go

30 months ago

Roots (Spectator)

pine > pool > amazon > wave > bed > flat **

30 months ago